Association of Midnight Basketball and COVID 19 Announcement

by | Apr 17, 2020 | National News

Due to the Coronavirus (COVID 19 ) Pandemics. Association of Midnight Basketball/MBLP Recreation
Component ( The Association of Midnight Basketball has been put on
hold until further notice.)

Association of Midnight Basketball/MBLP is a year-round program. We are at home, but still up and
operating by ZOOM Video Conferencing and by phone. (925) 457-0757.
You can get an early start by visiting our Donation Page on our
website at www.Association of Midnight if you would like to make a donation.

Remember we have six components.

  • and RECREATION. ( Association of Midnight Basketball League )

We are staying ahead of the game, preparing for going into THE NEW WORLD.
The PANDEMIC has created a new avenue for operation for Association of Midnight Basketball/ MBLP.

We have the time to prepare for whenever the USA open up. I am reaching out to all the CHAPTERS. LCGJr.

Keep this program alive by donating today.

[give_form id=”2328″ show_title=”true” show_goal=”false” show_content=”above” display_style=”onpage”]

March 15, 2024 was the final night of the season, the Coordinator Yvette Williams ran the players through a review of the topics covered for the past 8 weeks.  In this video, Ms Williams is playing the role of a Police Officer accosting a young person.  It is important that all people know and abide by our Constitutional rights when interacting with law enforcement even the police.

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