

 Association of Midnight Basketball is a non-profit organization and we encourage people who want to help to donate to keep this program running. Donations are excepted by other organizations, sponsors and contributions.



1). Organized Basketball League: Played between the hours of 7 p.m. – 1 a.m. Participants must attend workshops before the games in order to play in the games that night.

2). Other sports might be used as the “hook or carrot” to get participants involved in the MBL, Inc Program. (soccer, softball, etc.)

3). Swimming Classes – Recreation Department and Red Cross

4). Physical Fitness Classes through the YMCA

5). Body Building – 24 Hour Fitness Membership

6). Chess Tournaments

Apply Instantly to Sponsor an Association of Midnight Basketball in Your Community

Be a part of a program that helps prevent crime and encourage young men and women by providing alternative solutions in the prevention and intervention of troubled youth and youth in urban areas. Association of Midnight Basketball is a non-profit organization to help build community education and programs in local communities for young people to help build successful lives instead of violence. Apply online now to be a part of the action!

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