Get Involved! Six Steps To A Safer America

by | Apr 30, 2024 | Programs



Americans are hungry to Take A Bite Out Of Crime®. It’s time to feed that appetite.

News headlines and statistics tell us crime rates are dropping, but the public doesn’t feel any safer. The solution is stronger public engagement with a national crime prevention strategy. It will make the U.S. a healthier and safer place to live, and it will cut through all the political noise about crime.

Earlier this week, I outlined Six Steps to a Safer America at the annual meeting of the Ohio Crime Prevention Association. They have been preventing longer than even McGruff®, so it was the perfect place to start.


From deadly fake pills to violence against women, to school shootings, to growing hate crimes, there is more each American can do to stop crime before it happens.


Six Steps to a Safer America:

1. Prevent violent crime.

2. Prevent 21st Century Drug Abuse.

3. Prevent Auto Fatalities.

4. Make Sure Crime Doesn’t Pay.

5. No Place for Hate.

6. Use Technology to Stop Crime.


McGruff is ready to get you involved. Unleash your inner Crime Dog. Read the plan and join us.



Paul DelPonte

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National Crime Prevention Council
1100 15th St. NW
4th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
United States


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