Association of Midnight Basketball is a non-profit organization and we encourage people who want to help to donate to keep this program running. Donations are excepted by other organizations, sponsors and contributions.
COMMUNITY – POLICE ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM is designed to strengthen the relationships between Law Enforcement, Community CBO’s, Young Adults, and Youth in the Western Addition/ Fillmore Area of San Francisco, California as a Pilot Program, then into every Police District in San Francisco.
The Program seeks to:
(1) Take the Humanistic Approach. Everybody is a Human Being before they are anything else. It doesn’t matter what color you are, race, nationality, job title, etc. We Bleed the same color Blood, no matter what we do in life.
We are Human Beings first.
(2) Bring back the RESPECT FACTORS into our community. Show Respect for Authority Figures in our community, and Authority Figures showing Respect for the community. (people that live in the community) Trust is a factor also.
(3) Get everybody, “ On One Accord ”. Common Ground/ Same Page. Working together for one Common Goal? Collaborations between Law Enforcement and Community. Bring Peace and Harmony to the Community, by working together as one. Inter-Acting Activities between Law Enforcement and Community.
(4) ACCOUNTABILITY. Everybody will be held ACCOUNTABLE for their ACTIONS.
(5) Working through Anger Management Issues in our community with referrals to Mental Health CBO’s in the community.
The Engagement Program is put together to Eliminate some of the ACTIONS that have
taken place in cities such as Ferguson, Missouri, Baltimore, Maryland, and San Francisco, California between Law Enforcement, Community, Young Adults, and Youth. Engagement Program will deal with INTERVENTION, PREVENTION, not AFTERVENTION.
Why do something have to happen, before we deal with it? INTERVENTION!!!. If we deal with INTERVENTION and PREVENTION, there is no need for AFTERVENTION.
Agreed or Dis-Agreed?
Coming Together “ On One Accord ”, we want to DISMISS this MYTH, “ This is what
happen, When you call the Cops, Get’s your Rights Violated, or You Get Shot ”.
“ Dialogue to change ” is a proven and effective process that allows residents and police to hear one another, share their perspectives, carefully consider the issues at hand, and develop next steps that community members and police can implement together.
(1) Get more Positive Interactions between Law Enforcement, Community, and Young
(2) Young Adults/Youth participating in Community Planning Activities.
(3) Categorize the (Community) perceptions of Law Enforcement as Positive, Neutral, or Negative?
HOW ??
(1) Collaborations with Law Enforcement, CBO’s, and Community Leaders. Meeting on a Regular Basis as a group.
(2) Functions, and Events involving the Whole Community.(Dances, Basketball Games, Field Trips, Fishing trips, and other activities that Law Enforcement and CBO’s will be involved in or sponsors.
(3) Team Committees with Law Enforcement sitting on these Teams as an active participant.
(4) Law Enforcement, Community, and CBO’s involved in the Junior Association of Midnight Basketball, ages 13-17 ( AKA) Henderson Program, Named after SFPD Officer Larry Henderson, and the Association of Midnight Basketball, ages 18 – 25. We need Coaches, Officials, Workshop Speakers, and Parent Support.
(5) Grant Writers, and Private, and Corporate Funding.
(6) Examine the SFPD Training Manual. To see what is being taught and how?
(7) Check with Human Resources to see how background checks are carried out? See what can be taken out or added?
Our approach helps communities make meaningful, lasting improvements to policing and safety. We have seen communities become safer, more equitable places
when community members and the police come together to talk honestly, listen to each other, and commit to working together.
For this to happen, leaders from the police departments, advocacy groups, government, nonprofits, and the faith community need to take the first courageous steps to work together differently.
REMEMBER: An Ounce of CURE, IS Worth a Pound Of PREVENTION.
Contact: Lawrence C. Gray, Jr.
CEO/President – Association of Midnight Basketball, Inc.
(925) 457-0757 c
Email: Association of Midnight
WEBSITES : www.Association of Midnight &