Construction Apprenticeship
Association of Midnight Basketball is a non-profit organization and we encourage people who want to help to donate to keep this program running. Donations are excepted by other organizations, sponsors and contributions.
State Approved Construction Apprenticeship Programs are for everyone and anyone willing to work hard and can meet the minimum registration requirements. Construction Apprenticeship is not for anyone that does not like a job that gets them dirty everyday/all day.
The Construction Apprenticeship Workshop is a part of the MBL and its’ purpose is to assist those truly interested in getting into the construction field as a life long career. We are not talking “dead end jobs.”
We understand that you may not know anything about construction work, however one does not need to know anything about construction to get into one of it’s apprenticeship programs. You will simply need to meet their minimum requirements and have a desire to work hard.
A). Set aside time for this workshop. A total of (3) hours are needed to conduct this workshop.
B). Emphasize heavily the fact that the league player will need to be prompt/on time.
C). Rules of Order in the Classroom: When there is laughing, talking loud amongst one another, no information is absorbed and nothing will be gained from attending the workshop. There will be no loud laughing and talking amongst each other, not visiting others in hallways, rooms, outside the classroom.
D). Turn off cell phones, make no calls during the workshop hours, use restroom prior to start of the workshop and get your water before the class starts. Definitely no sleeping in class and the Instructor will tell you when the class is dismissed, so please do not just get up and leave when you are ready. We will permit one 10-minute break. We will be trying to get you gainfully employed.
E). There may be just the Instructor for the workshop or she may bring in guest speakers from the twenty-six different construction apprenticeship programs to give a thorough presentation of their trade, please ask questions of these Trade Coordinators because they are plenty qualified to answer them. On some occasion, whenever possible, there will be Black/and or Minority males who are already in the trade speaking along with the Trade Coordinator. Ask him questions as well.
F). Pay close attention to instructions and do ask questions in order to learn what you are required to do to become a Construction Trade Apprenticeship.