Black History Month Starts Feb 1st

by | Feb 2, 2016 | National News

February 1, 2016 is the start of Black History Month.

Wednesday, February 3. 2016, The Association of Midnight Basketball League Programs, Inc., The Clorox Corporation of Pleasanton, Ca.,

The San Francisco Association of Midnight Basketball,

San Francisco Public Health Dept. ( Balboa High School Teen Clinic),

The Black Student Union , and the Black Employees of Balboa High School of San Francisco, California,

In Honor of Black History Month Will sponsor a Kitchen Meeting for all Black/ African Descent Students

In Balboa’s Green Room, will serve as our make shift kitchen.

The Theme for this year’s Kitchen Meeting is “ Lessons Learned Along The Way “

This meeting will be an opportunity for Balboa’s Black Students to Meet and learn from Entrepreneurs, Business People, Media Personalities, Civic/Community Leaders of Color..

For this reason, Speakers prepare to speak for 15 minutes in an Engaging manner of their choosing focused on Lessons they have Learned along their journey that they think are beneficial and Transferrable to Black Youth in 2016.


Download the (WORD DOCX) Flyer to The Kitchen Meeting for all Black/ African Descent Students 

learn more about activities, speakers and curriculum

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