L-R Jackie Don White Mentor and Public Speaker, Jesse Smith SPD Board Member, mentor and Public Speaker, Grover V Crump Association of Midnight Basketball Exec Dir and Rev. Thurnell Clayton (P) Board Member, Counselor and Public Speaker. Dec 2, 2015 The Stockton Black Leadership Council met and discussed the upcoming Black Freedom Day Parade. An annual parade held in Stockton, Ca celebrating the day President Lincoln signed The Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in January 1, 1863. This years event will take place on January 1, 2016 and end with with a God’s Appreciation Dinner hosted by Ralph White. Mr. White has been an important member of the community for many years and is in full support of Association of Midnight Basketball and the Every Life Matters Programs. Also discussed was the gun violence epidemic and black on black crime. The Stockton Association of Midnight Basketball and Every Life Matters ‘Living Work’ Shops will be the corner stone for our city and community to heavily address that issue. Our community has a very large population of people of Mexican decent. It is mandatory for us to have a knowledgeable Mexican Board member and others involved in our programs.