Association of Midnight Basketball League – Store Official Launch! Check it out!

by | Mar 12, 2021 | National News

Association of Midnight Basketball has officially launched our online store! Please visit our online store and help support the Association of Midnight Basketball League which benefits young adults all across the country. The Association of Midnight Basketball is a non-profit organization.

To learn more about the Midnight basketball League philosophy, how you can become involved in making a change in a community and operations, Join Us for all of the details.

March 15, 2024 was the final night of the season, the Coordinator Yvette Williams ran the players through a review of the topics covered for the past 8 weeks.  In this video, Ms Williams is playing the role of a Police Officer accosting a young person.  It is important that all people know and abide by our Constitutional rights when interacting with law enforcement even the police.

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