Sticky Situations – Prevention of the School-to-Prison Pipeline

by | Aug 21, 2020 | National News, Programs

PROGRAM GOALS – About Sticky Situations Program

Learn how the law can work for you instead of against you.

Learn how different culture and poverty-stricken groups

Engage young people in discussions surrounding the U.S. criminal justice system.

Participate in real-world learning activities to become more aware of U.S. criminal justice laws and citizen’s rights.

Cover topics ranging from sentencing guidelines and plea deals to understanding the police, warrants, and the difference in a misdemeanor and a felony.

Address issues such as how to behave when encountering police.

Develop students’ critical thinking, decision-making, and goal-setting skills and use these skills to position them for a successful future.

Provide young people with opportunities to take action and strive for a better life.


Krystal Banks


Krystal Banks, creator of the Sticky Situations curriculum

Detroit, MI ( — Social activist, author, and bail bonds owner Krystal Banks, for the first time ever, offers her curriculum-based program, Sticky Situations – Understanding the Law and Life Skills, as a way to help people push through the troubling times we are facing as a nation. In today’s climate, where anti-police sentiment is at the forefront of most of social media, it is essential that people understand the variances of the law, so that no more laws are broken or any more unnecessary lives are taken.

The Sticky Situation curriculum is currently being incorporated into schools and colleges, as it meets several of the Common Core Standards required by educational guidelines. The program features several in-person and virtual workshops and seminars, trivia card games, and an app component that allows users unfettered access to U.S. criminal justice laws and citizen’s rights.

The Sticky Situation curriculum covers a variety of topics including anger management, insurance law, financial/economic literacy, and entrepreneurship. These subjects, along with many more, are summarized under three branches: life skills, critical thinking skills, and goal-setting skills. This curriculum is the only program in the country that combines all three skill sets under one umbrella.

One critically important part of the program is the instruction that outlines how to handle interaction with law enforcement. This is the key component of what the program’s creator, Krystal Banks believes will help people be more responsible with their actions.

“The one thing that is missing in today’s society is the notion of accountability,” said Banks. “That goes for law enforcement and the people who are battling for their rights every day. No one wants to take accountability for their actions. With issues of racism being rampant, I created a system that explains why being accountable for your actions can give you a brighter future, and I created it in a fun and entertaining manner. We can all learn to work together to make our society a better place to live.”

Krystal has been invited to speak and teach about her program all over the country, as the program itself has become one of the most requested seminars at educational organizations across the nation. Each presentation lasts between one and three hours and can be attended by attendees of any age.

For more information about the Sticky Situations – Understanding the Law and Life Skills program, contact Krystal Banks at 810-650-9141 or by email at Visit the website at

March 15, 2024 was the final night of the season, the Coordinator Yvette Williams ran the players through a review of the topics covered for the past 8 weeks.  In this video, Ms Williams is playing the role of a Police Officer accosting a young person.  It is important that all people know and abide by our Constitutional rights when interacting with law enforcement even the police.

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